We are an established UK company. All data is held at a secure data centre in the UK.
01634 820797
  • Save My Data

    Secure online data backup for Servers, PC’s and MAC’s.

    Protect yourself automatically by backing up your files to our secure servers using your Internet connection.

    Download our backup software and evaluate the SaveMyData service for 30 DAYS COMPLETELY FREE. Then sign-up for as little as £5 per month, backup and restore as often as you like.

  • Save My Data

    The Benefits, Simple - Flexible - Affordable - Secure

    You can access your data from anywhere at anytime, even from abroad or whilst on the move making it ideal for mobile or home workers.

    Fixed monthly pricing - SMD billing is based on actual storage. You do not need to select a plan. You will be billed according to the amount of storage. You can backup as often as you like as we bill only on storage amounts. Prices start at £5 per month.

  • Save My Data

    Still Not Sure? Get in Touch

    Give us a call or fill out our enquiry form and we will be more than happy to help you out with any queries about the product.

    You can also check out our FAQ page, which is full of helpful answers about the SaveMyData product.

Why Backup?

It is common knowledge that hard disks do not last forever. Therefore it is a certainty that at some point you will suffer equipment failure. Why let that failure result in information loss?

Research shows that corporate and personal data can all too easily be lost, corrupted, stolen or deleted and the outcome can be catastrophic.

The Benefits

Once our software is installed and the backup set, there is no need to do anything. Backups will occur at the chosen time as long as the computer is switched on and connected to the Internet. No need for pressing buttons, changing tapes and removing media from site.

You can access your data from anywhere at anytime, even from abroad.


Fixed monthly pricing - SMD billing is based on actual storage.

You do not need to select a plan. You will be billed according to the amount of storage.

You can backup as often as you like as we bill only on storage amounts. Prices start at £5 per month.


"I have just had to use the SaveMyData restore process for the first time, and am writing to let you know that I am extremely impressed with the ease and speed with which I was able to do so.

As a person who is not all that good with pc's I couldn't believe how simple and easy to use your system is, and how it also managed to restore me to a feeling of calm."

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